Well it’s been a while since our last update but as I’m sure you can all imagine we’ve been busy busy busy...
Our boat has had the electronics system fitted, the new GPS repeater mounted, ships compass placed, Desalinator is being serviced and we are almost ready to fit the runners and seat pad’s. Quite excitingly we we’ve even had some our very own sponsors logos put on which makes her even more beautiful to look at. So Deritend Industries, HeaterMEALS, Lodestar festival, Row Perfect you are all on and our others are being printed this week.
Speaking of Sponsors special thanks must go out to Karen at TEVApharma for convincing her sponsorship committee to sign up to our bronze package with a whopping £1500!!! Thank you kindly - at this stage we appreciate everything we can get so this is an enormous help.
Displaying the boat at Lode star was a great experience and very beneficial from an exposure point of view. We had a Star Radio interview pre-recorded which will go out sometime next week, then a live radio interview on the Sue Marchant show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire - very nice woman indeed, asked all the right questions and hopefully got the answers I wanted to give, mentioned some of our sponsors and talked about the potential hazards of the trip.
Abi has been working tirelessly on kit donation and has secured sun glasses, microfiber towels, hot water cannister, eating utensils and most impressively two GPS watches worth £180 a piece!... Necessary in the event we have to abandon ship or our GPS repeater fails. Well done Abi keep up the good work.
Wills written, provision made for the worst scenario.
Twelve weeks to go and we are still working hard harder than ever actually, sourcing kit, getting the donations in and still hunting the funding. We get tired but when we’re tired there’s still more to be done so perhaps in a way the busier we are the better prepared we’ll be... its certainly good practice and belief building in that we know we can rely on each other to get things done.
Tonight is our farewell ball in conjunction with Charlie Wall and Cambridge boot camps to whom we owe a great deal - thank you Wally. To all of you that couldn’t make it, you will be missed and we hope to see you soon, here’s hoping for a great night of fun, friends, and fundraising....
out - R2.